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Industries Served

Robert Anthony Sean uniformed Concierge Style Security
Robert Anthony Sean uniformed Concierge Style Security
At RAS, we expect our security guards to add value to your property the entire time they are on site through their security focused presence, professional appearance, and initiative to assist residents. Our Residential Security team prides themselves in making this expectation a reality.
Premium hotels pride themselves on creating an atmosphere immeadiately recognizeable by guests as soon as they step foot on the property. The RAS Hotel Security Team understand this feeling, and how to ensure our CPOs presence on site not only adds to the security presence, but also the desired ambiance.
Senior living facilities pose a unique challenge for maintaining security and safety in the case of emergencies or medical issues, a challenge that RAS CPOs are trained for and ready to excel at  on your site.
Security for large events
Robert Anthony Sean uniformed Concierge Style Security
Robert Anthony Sean uniformed Concierge Style Security patrolling a parking garage

Private Event

Robert Anthony Sean Security Services provides guard services for event venues to secure, protect, and monitor guests and clients alike.

Houses of Worship

Global tension has placed Houses of Worship across all religions in more danger than we have seen in decades. Our team offers a range of customizeable security options to ensure the sanctity of your sacred place, the safety of your congregation, and the sustainment of your services


Construction sites can easily be plagued by an array of malicious delays and distractions. Our construction site security specialists are here to help you protect your site from unwanted visitors, vandalism, and theft to ensure you and your team can sleep soundly at night and focus on what matters.

If you would like to learn more about how RAS can help solve your specific security need, please click here to contact us 



Senior Living

Robert Anthony Sean uniformed Concierge Style Security assisting residents

© Robert Anthony Sean Security Services

May 2024

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