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Do You Have A Preventative Plan In Place?

Out of more than 600 people who participated in a survey conducted by RASSS, 94% said they would be more inclined to live in a community with a security officer on-site. In the same survey, 54% of those polled felt that their property manager does not care about their safety at all. If their presence is so important to residents, why isn’t it to Property Managers? The question is, what do you consider an effective security service? Most PMs answer to that question is, “We have cameras around the building.” Well, unfortunately, that's not the answer someone may be looking for when searching for a safe and secure community to reside in, and it’s hardly enough to prevent crime.

Some people believe that security cameras are equally as effective as a trained security officer, therefore there is no need for them. However, even when communities are equipped with high-end CCTV technology, they still remain a soft target. Rarely do criminals perform enough reconnaissance on a property to determine whether or not cameras are present. If they are committed to crime, some blurry camera footage that may be reviewed after an incident occurs is not enough to stop them. A security officer still proves to be more effective and valuable to properties and their residents. The strongest deterrent will always be a highly visible and constant presence of a security officer, who is available at times when you may not be, and trained to deal with situations you aren’t prepared for.

If you are looking for a way to be preventative and not reactive, contact us today to speak with one of our experts and learn how we can help you and your business become the hard target criminals fear, not search for.

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May 2024

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